Gillian Jones Consulting is a respected Organisational Development consultancy, bringing extensive experience supporting organisations and their people, often in times of change and transition. A key focus is the provision of leadership, team and career development. Our wider consulting focus includes change management, career management and transition, team building, facilitation and phased retirement.
As the principal coach and facilitator I am passionate about supporting people to find their purpose and identity following chosen or enforced change. I thrive on supporting organisations to lead change well and enable their people to be their best, a win/win for the organisation and the individual.
I believe I am the essence of my ‘strapline’ – ‘because we never stop evolving’. I continue to learn, stretch and challenge myself and set new goals. I am passionate about coaching individuals, teams and organisations to do the same. My career has evolved from teaching to counselling, to training, coaching and facilitating. I was the original owner of Change by Design which I sold in 2017 to People&Co as their consulting programme, now known as Consulting, with my continuing input until June 2021.
Breakout session: Growing Rotary. International Assembly, 23 January 2020, San Diego, California, USA.
Recently, following an exciting year as Rotary International District Governor where I led change and motivated 50 Clubs and 1450 members across District 9940, the lower North Island, I established Gillian Jones Consulting. This provides the opportunity to continue to do what I do best – support growth and development in individuals and organisations.
I am a qualified user of Myers Briggs Type Inventory (MBTI) and Genos Emotional Intelligence, both valuable tools for personal and leadership development. I am also a Partner Advisor with Ask Your Team– a New Zealand based survey system to encourage organisational effectiveness. I hold a Master of Education and a post graduate Certificate in Counselling through Canterbury University and a Diploma in Teaching.
I have a reputation for my deep knowledge and experience. I am a lively and enthusiastic facilitator and coach who applies warmth and vision to encourage open communication. My naturally empathetic manner and active listening skills ensure people feel valued and supported. I relate comfortably and appropriately at all levels of the organisation. I value organisation, structure and closure and work to achieve this with clients.